Wednesday, November 9, 2011

People That You Meet....In the Neighborhood...

So, after you have been giving this diagnosis, you meet lots of people that have either had it, know someone who had, or is a big supporter of the cause and they each have different outlooks on the whole thing.

Take for example, a survivor that we'll call "Hot Lil"...Now, "Hot Lil", is the sweetest, most loving person you could ever meet. She is also the your biggest cheerleader. A week after my diagnosis was the "big walk". She says (in a very sweet, motherly, almost a little southern way), "Now, you know you have to come and walk your survivor's lap". My initial reaction was what happy planet did she fall from??? Walk a survivors lap??? I haven't survived anything yet!!! Reluctantly, I went. Oh, did I mention that her last words to me were...."Wear your pink". was an understatement. I feel like I went back to Shelby's wedding...."My colors are blush and is my signature color". I think there was enough pink in that gym to make even Shelby sick of pink. Once you waded through the sea of pink, you saw young, old, fat, skinny, bald, long flowing hair, hats, bandannas.....and you am one of them. It does not discriminate.

But wait...there's more....So, I pick out Hot Lil in this proverbial sea of pink. She grabs me, HUGE smile, pom pom in hand (in pink, of course), big ribbon with the number 6 on it, shouting and cheering. Really??? So, I guess this was supposed to be reassuring to me. At the time, it wasn't. Here is a little bit of my minds eye...let me set the stage for you....

Cheerleader Captain: "Ready?"

Cheerleaders: "OK!" "We've got Cancer, yes we do, We've got Cancer, How about You?"

(you know, doing the whole head tilt, big, open smile)

I wanted to bop them all up side their cute little heads with their pompoms.

Okay, so that didn't really happen, but it sure did feel that way!!!!

I love my little "Hot Lil" will be hearing a lot more stories about her!!! There are lots of people that have come along the way that I hope to write about individually. But, for now, I will leave you with just this first introduction to "Hot Lil".

I won't introduce anyone else just yet...but just wait...they will be coming!!

Welcome to the New Blog

Welcome to the new blog...I came up with the title while laying on a massage table getting a wonderful and relaxing massage from Sue at Healed by Hand. She is super wonderful both at what she does and as a person!!!

So...back to the blog. Everyone has told me to journal during this process. What process...oh yeah, that "C" word...cancer....Breast Cancer specifically. The did that come about?? As I was contemplating all of the changes that are about to happen to me, I posted on FB (that would be Facebook) about how I was not having a good day, I didn't want to have to have chemo, the surgery I was okay with, blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine. Then I read the shirt I was wearing. It said... "Beauty is Fleeting, Character.....Eternal". Boy, was I put in my place. So, this is my Character Building experience. I personally thought I had enough character, thank you very much. Obviously, God had other plans and must be thinking that I need WAY more character. Really???

The back story...I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on 10/14/11 at about 10:28am at the ripe old age of just 38 years old. (yes, you kinda remember the time when the phone rings). On 10/31/11 I found out the best news. Yes, you have BEST news in all of this. Anyway, the cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes. I think I did a happy dance right there in the bank parking lot as the Dr. was telling me this news!!

I can't wait to share with you all of the funny things that have come up during this "character building" process. I hope that you will laugh, cry, and share with me during this journey.