Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Frustration has set in. I'm frustrated that I can't take care of the house, I can't do things with Jake, frustrated with the process, frustrated that "this" is controlling my life, and on and on and on......

I am reading Joyce Meyer's Devotional on You Version and today's devotional was on...dum, dum, dum, dum, duuuuuuummmmmm........"Frustration". According to Joyce, when you allow yourself to get frustrated, you are not fully relying on God. Frustration hits when we stop depending on Him and try to make something happen our own way.

Hmmm, ya think? So, it kinda all goes back to one of my original prayers..."make me weak so that You can be strong". So today, when Jake isn't listening and giving me a hard time getting ready for school, I shall be weak. I will stop, pause, pray, and let God deal with him..if God chooses to use me in that process of dealing with him, well, then, I will do my part. That is just one of my major frustrations of each and every day when I am reminded that I am not 100% and there are things that I just can't do. It's very hard watching your 6 year old wanting to run and play and you can't. We will get through this, that I am sure of. I just need to figure out ways that I can both rest and he can play. I need to really make sure that I use the time that he is at school to really rest so that I am refreshed when he gets home from school. Maybe I will check out open gym at the Y and let him play basketball over there for a while after school next week. Next week will be my best week physically.

So, today is a day of not getting frustrated. I will not allow frustration to take over but use it as a gentle reminder that I need God in ALL things, even getting a a 6 year old dressed for school.

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